The Royal Promise Scholarship
This award was created to honor the memory of Rori (Royal Promise), Rori was an amazing Dutch/Cleveland Bay mare who, after a difficult start in life demonstrated a desire to be the best she could be. She met each difficulty in her life with a determination to succeed and an appreciation of those who cared enough to connect with her. Rori wanted to connect with her humans and help them as they helped her.
This scholarship is open to any student or family who would benefit from learning about and from horses at King's View Acres - or another similar board approved riding program.

Rori's Story
Royal Promise, better know as Rori, was a very special horse owned by our founder, Ellen Heckert. Rori was born into difficult circumstances. She did not receive proper care as a baby and it affected her whole life. From the beginning, Ellen and Rori had a fantastic bond. Rori was kind and loving and she did everything she could to please.  Rori demonstrated her love of learning and excelled - especially when coached at a clinic with Charles DeKunffy, a world-renowned dressage trainer. Shortly after that clinic, Rori collapsed at a lesson.  She was rushed to VA Tech Equine Medical Center where the doctors discovered a severely damaged colon. Ellen was told that Rori would not survive once. Expecting her to die, Ellen took Rori home to pass in the comfort of her own stable, surrounded by people who loved her. Thankfullly, a friend recommended an IFeedNaturally feeder and Rori not only survived but thrived being fed small amounts of grain throughout the day.  As Rori began to gain strength, Ellen had to learn all she could to recognize Rori's signs of distress.  She endlessly worked to find the best options (dentists, feed companies, chiropractors, medical options, etc.) to keep Rori happy and healthy. In the barn, the students of King's View Acres learned to communicate and care for the horses as they mirrored Ellen's care of Rori. The students learned about the best health care possible, learned to recognize signs of pain and distress, and they began to appreciate the horses as more than riding tools and pets.  Ellen recognized the importance of this education and began including it into the curriculum - emphasizing the importance of emotional and psychological connections with the horses and children. Ellen started broadening her training to include different modalities (in-hand training, body work, etc) with the horses to increase the connection between horse and human. The result was amazing! Children were growing in confidence, empathy, maturity, and emotional control - as well as horsemanship and riding skills. For four and a half years, Rori lived to teach Ellen, the staff and children at King's View Acres all she could to improve the care, connection, riding skills, and horsemanship skills of everyone who graced the doors of King's View Acres.  On September 22, 2023, Rori suffered a major colic and passed away.  Ellen, her family and Izzy (Ellen's assistant) were all present and helped Rori end her suffering. Although Rori is no longer with the staff and students at King's View Acres, her legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of all the students and families who knew her - as well as the training and changes made in the lives of students to come.
Scholarship Details
Who is Eligible?
Students aged 6-17 who are interested in riding and have an emotional or financial need for payment assistance.
What is the submission deadline?
Completed applications are due on August 1
Awards will be announced by August 20.
What are the essay requirements?
Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.
How do I apply?
Fill out the application form
Write the essay
Supply references
Schedule an interview
Sign up for classes (no obligation if award is not granted)
What is awarded?
Awards range from $200 - $1000 per recipient based on need and board discretion.
Are there restrictions on the award?
Students must commit to the full 9 months of lessons. Scholarship funds are not transferrable to other programs. Funds will be paid directly to King's View Acres.